Crafted from the finest European barley, this malt boasts a rich, malty flavor and a distinct aroma that’s sure to impress. With a Lovibond rating of 3.5-4.5, the Weyermann 10lb Vienna Malt delivers a beautiful golden hue to your brew, adding a touch of sweetness and complexity to your beer’s flavor profile.
With its exceptional diastatic power, the Weyermann 10lb Vienna Malt is a versatile malt that can be used as a base or specialty malt, depending on the style of beer you’re brewing. Whether you’re making a classic Vienna Lager, a delicious Amber Ale, or a refreshing Pilsner, this malt is an essential ingredient for achieving the desired flavor profile.
At .com, we understand that the quality of your ingredients is paramount when it comes to brewing great beer. That’s why we’re proud to offer Weyermann 10lb Vienna Malt – a premium malt that will help you achieve your brewing goals. Order your 10lb bag today and experience the difference in flavor and quality in your next brew!
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