This 1 Gallon Starter Kit is the the easiest way to get started homebrewing!

Our Homebrew Starter Kit leverages your existing 2 gallon pot to make 1 gallon (about ten 12 oz bottles) of craft beer right in your kitchen in just a few hours!

Our thoughtfully crafted Ingredient Refill Kits include everything you need for your batch, from grain bag to bottle caps. Unlike some other manufacturers there are no costly add-on packages needed to complete the brewing process. Our recipes span a wide range of classic and modern beer styles, youre not limited to only very bland or very esoteric recipe choices. One thing they do share, though, is our decades of experience in brewing and crafting world-class beers; experience were now sharing directly with you!

If youve ever thought about brewing your own beer at home, theres no reason to hesitate any further. This is the starter kit youve been waiting for.

Equipment Kit Contents

  • Wide Mouth, Easy-To-Clean 1 Gallon Fermenter Jar
  • Fermenter Jar Lid w/ 3-Piece Airlock
  • Mini Auto-Siphon makes transfers a breeze
  • Food-Grade Transfer Tubing
  • PremiumBottle Filling Wand
  • Bottle Capper
  • Sanitizer Concentrate
  • American IPA Recipe Kit (see below for more info)

American IPA
This India Pale Ale features the clean bitterness of Magnum hops and healthy dose of the flavors and aromas of Cascade: arguably the hop behind the modern craft beer movement.

Bitterness:Very High
Estimated Alcohol:6%

Plus,EVERYBrewmaster Beer Ingredient Refill Kit comes complete with everything you need for your next batch of beer, including:

  • Specialty Steeping Grains
  • Fermentable Malt Extract
  • Brewers Hops
  • Brewers Yeast
  • Disposable Grain Bag (for Steeping Grains)
  • Carbonation Drops
  • Bottle Caps

*Note:You will need to save up or purchase 10-12 12oz PRY-OFF (not twist-off) beer bottles.


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