Concentrated Brewers Wort (CBW) Liquid Malt Extract (LME) from Briess. Briess CBW malt extracts get all of their color and flavor from base and specialty malts, never through additional boiling. CBW malt extracts are unhopped and nondiastatic for flexible, creative brewing.

Pilsen Light CBW is made from 99% Pilsen malt and 1% Carapils Malt.


Pilsen, Carapils
Malt Solids 79%
Fermentability 76%
Color 2 Lovibond
Specific Gravity 1.035

Color figure applies to a mixture of extract with water. Therefore, you may experience a different color, depending on use.
Specific Gravity applies to a mixture of 1 lb of extract with 1 gal of water. For ‘brewer’s points’, use the final two digits of the figure.


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