This is a no compromise, professional level hardware kit that allows for safe pressure fermentation in an X-Series Uni Conical. If you plan to ferment, or to seal/cap an active fermentation, in your BrewBuilt X-Series Conical you must use this Brewbult Kit for Fermenting Under Pressure. During fermentation Krausen can potentially clog the PRV that is built into the lid.The hardware in this kit is the same as what you will find on a commercial Unitank. This is not an all-in-one unit. All-in-one units are cheaper but not as safe.

Commercial Grade Spunding Valve– The kit is built around a commercial Spunding Valve that allows you to set your desired fermentation pressure. if that ferementation pressure exceeds your set point, it will blow off any excess pressure from the X-Series Conical.The clear cup holds liquid acting as an airlock and allowing krausen to exit. The Spunding valve is also adjustable.

Pro Grade PRV (Pressure Relief Valve)– On all brewery pro tanks, a tri-clamp PRV is always installed in addition to a Spunding Valve. This is because a Spunding Valve still has the potential to clog. The pro PRV has a very wide interior body as to reduce the risk of clogging. The PRV is non-adjustable and comes preset to relieve pressure at 15 PSI.

Sealed Pressure Gauge– This is a liquid filled, sealed gauge. The bottom of the gauge is a thin plate of stainless that moves up or down in relation to pressure in the tank. That causes the oil in the gauge to compress which is what the gauge reads. When properly sealed, there is no way krausen can get into this gauge and cause a false reading. However, it is important to ensure the guage is sealed, otherwise, there is a risk that krasuen clogs the gauge giving you an inaccurate reading.

Foam Axe– Foam Axe is a silica-based krausen cutter used by commercial breweries to reduce krausen blow off while increasing foam retention in your beer. Using Foam Axe is required for every batch fermented under pressure, but we recommend it for all batches fermented in your X-SeriesConical. Foam Axe helps keep krausen out of PRVs and other hardware which is always a good idea.

When your BrewBuilt Uni is outfitted with a Kit for Pressure Fermentation there are three devices for relieving pressure, including the PRV that is always built into the lid, the adjustable Spunding Valve, and the pro grade PRV.

WARNING!The use of the BrewBuilt Kit for Fermenting Under Pressure is required for performing Pressure Fermentations in yourX-Seriesconical. The PRV built into the lid is not designed to be the only release point during a pressure fermentation.

WARNING!The use of Foam Axe is required to reduce krausen (foam from fermentation) production in the fermenter.

WARNING!Always release pressure, then remove the PRV built into the lid to ensure the conical is completely depressurized before removing fittings or the lid clamp. Failure to do so can result in personal injury.


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