WLP518 Opshaug was originally sourced for White Labs by world traveler and blogger Lars Marius Garshol, who has authored several books on farmhouse ales and historical brewing. This kveik strain was isolated from a mixed culture which belonged to Harald Opshaug, a farmhouse brewer in Stranda, Norway. This strain was originally used in the 1990s to produce several kornl-style beers. It is a clean fermenting yeast and has tolerated temperatures up to 95F (35C) while finishing fermentation within three to four days. The hop-forward, clean characteristics of this strain make it ideal for IPAs and pale ales.
Flocculation:Medium to High
Optimum Fermentation Temp:7795F
Alcohol Tolerance:Medium – High (812%)
Cell Count:100+ Billion
Please Note:For best results weAlwaysrecommend ordering anIce Packwith your liquid yeast.
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